2025 Conference Registration is Now Open

August 18-20, 2025

Register Now

Indiana SHRM
Student Discounts

Members in a SHRM Student Chapter are eligible for a reduced rate of $365 to attend the HR Indiana 2023 Conference!

You can see a full list of Student Chapters in Indiana here.

To be applicable for the discount, a student must be enrolled full time, and be a member of their university’s student chapter.


Cancellation/Refund Terms & Conditions

Any refunds due to a cancellation are subject to the following Refund Policy:

  • Cancellations must be received in writing via email to admin@hrindianashrm.org and approved on or before July 1, 2023 to qualify for a full refund minus a 10% administrative fee.
  • Pricing for the hotel includes room and tax only, registrant will be required to pay all remaining incidental charges and parking.