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Indiana SHRM News
Indiana SHRM News

Certification Update August 2018

Jennifer Lange, SHRM-SCP

Jennifer Lange, SHRM-CP, PHR Director of Certification

Need Recertification Credits – Register for the HR Indiana 2018 Conference!

Have you registered for the HR Indiana 2018 Conference yet? As you know, the HR Indiana Conference is one of the largest regional human resources conferences in the United States with world-renowned keynote speakers, three (3) days of educational sessions, networking opportunities and exposure to the latest HR products and services. The conference delivers exceptional HR education that will expand your knowledge and your network…complete with a potential for 16.5 SHRM PDCs (recertification credits!!!)

Register now; the conference will be at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis on August 20-22, 2018.

NEW! You can also register now for the NEW Midwest Diversity Inclusion & Disability Awareness Conference! The new Midwest D&D Conference starts immediately following the closing keynote of HR Indiana. You can register for HR Indiana AND the Midwest D&D Conference and save 10% on both! The Midwest D&D Conference is a 1 1/2 day conference covering a wide spectrum of Diversity & Disability topics. The Midwest D&D Conference is only $250 and concludes on Thursday, August 23 at 2:00 p.m. (this conference offers an additional 6 PDCs in conjunction with the HR Indiana conference or 7 PDCs if only attending the Midwest Diversity Inclusion & Disability Awareness Conference).

Apply Now for SHRM Certification and Recertification Scholarships

The application window for certification and re-certification scholarships is open!!! The certification scholarship awards $750 to 110 SHRM members to help cover the cost of the SHRM Certification exam and/or preparation courses and materials. Re-certification scholarship awards $100 to 20 individuals to cover the SHRM re-certification application fee.

Deadline to apply is September 1, 2018.

Visit the SHRM Foundation website for more information.

New SHRM Books Available for SHRM PDCs (SHRM Recertification Credits)

In addition to featuring dozens of top-selling HR books at this year’s onsite SHRMStore, the SHRM 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition introduces 15 new SHRM-published books — all approved for professional development credits toward SHRM recertification. Learn more!

Monthly SHRM Recertification Live Chats

If you are a SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credential-holder, join SHRM to ask the SHRM Recertification Counselors any questions you have about SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP recertification—regardless of where you are in your recertification cycle. This is a great opportunity to learn how to make the most of the resources available to you and to clear up any areas of confusion. SHRM’s Recertification Counselors are here to help.

Live chats will happen the second Wednesday of most months at 2:00 pm ET (for 30 minutes)…upcoming dates are August 8, October 10, November 14, and December 18. NOTE — This is an online Q&A chat. Any questions you have can be submitted into a text box (there will not be audio). Also, after you register, you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to the online chat room.

Register for the live chat.

To remain SHRM Certified you need to Earn 60 PDCs within a 3-year recertification cycle that ends on the last day of your birth month or take the SHRM Certification exam.

Recertification Counselors are available Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET at (703) 535.6360 or contact them at recertification@shrm.org.

Accelerate Your HR Career – SHRM’s Competency Self-Assessment

SHRM has launched new member-only career resources can help fast-track your HR career development with easy-to-use tools that assess your HR skills and competencies and guide you toward further training and development. There are three (3) easy steps that will get you on your way to becoming the best HR professional you can be! First, Competency Self-Assessment, then Development Activity Wizard, and finally, Competency Development Plan — To learn more about this new benefit and how to accelerate your career, visit shrm.org/careers.

NOTE – If you are a SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP certified member, you will receive one (1) PDC per year for each calendar year you complete the Competency Self-Assessment. Use it to evaluate how best to target your professional development efforts toward the 60 PDCs required to maintain your SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP credential over your three (3) year recertification period.

Another Way to Earn PDCs

Remember, your annual National SHRM Membership qualifies for three (3) PDCs per year (and SHRM automatically loads this in your SHRM Portal).

Hosting a Fall SHRM Certification Chapter Study Group?

Please let Jen Lange know if your chapter is planning/hosting a fall SHRM Certification (SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP) study group…it can either be a study group that the chapter sponsors (i.e. coordinates/runs, etc.) or one in which you partner with a recognized local education partners (colleges, universities, etc.)!

I would love to share the specifics of what your chapter is doing with those who make inquiries via the State Council so we can begin referring people your way! We can also continue to think about how we may be able to share your SHRM Certification Study Group information on our website.

Also, if you are thinking about trying to get a chapter study group going this fall (kicking off in September or so, etc.) – I would be happy to assist you and/or share some best practices. As always, please let me know how I may be able to assist you/your chapter/your membership with SHRM Certification efforts!

Further, SHRM created the SHRM Certification resources and tools to help you promote SHRM Certification preparation, SHRM Certification and Recertification. Learn how your chapter can partner with a SHRM Education Partner to host an instructor-led cert prep course and/or host and administer a facilitator-led SHRM Learning System study group. Tools are available for you!

SHRM Certification – Winter Testing Window December 1, 2018 – February 15, 2019

SHRM Certification (SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP) exam applications will begin being accepted now through October 19 (or applicants can pay a $75 late application fee for applications received between October 20 – November 9) for the December 1, 2018 – February 15, 2019 testing window. View the entire SHRM Certification application process. Also, you can check the SHRM Certification exam eligibility requirements.

Need a Programming Idea – SHRM Offers Competency Based Education for Chapters

Check out SHRM’s Competency Based Education for Chapters. You will see two (2) 1.5 hour programs to address topics based on the SHRM HR Competency Model. This is free of charge for SHRM Chapters and Councils in good standing, it is a multi-media presentation, includes easy to use facilitator guides and is accessible via the VLRC – note, SHRM will need a five (5) day lead window to approve the request to use it…this is a great idea for chapter programming.

Enhanced Chapter Support – SHRM Recertification

It’s bbbaaaaccccckkk – help your local chapter (encourage your members to help too) and our Indiana State Council by recertifying your SHRM Certification in 2018 – SHRM is offering enhanced financial support to those SHRM Chapters and State Councils in good standing based on the number of SHRM members who recertify between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018.

  • Chapters will receive $20 per each chapter member who is a SHRM member in good standing, primarily coded to the chapter and recertifies for SHRM Certification during 2018
  • State Councils will receive $10 per each SHRM member in good standing (in-chapter and at-large) in the state who recertifies for SHRM Certification during 2018

Payment will be made to affiliates in good standing in early 2019 based on the number of recertified members meeting the above criteria as of 12/31/18. Learn more about SHRM Recertification.