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Indiana SHRM News
Indiana SHRM News

Certification Update December 2020

SHRM Certification – Spring Testing Window May 1 – July 15, 2021

Jennifer Lange, SHRM-CP Director of Certification

The SPRING SHRM Certification (SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP) exam application process will open in January 2021 for the SPRING May 1, 2021 – July 15, 2021 testing window.  


View the entire SHRM Certification application process at http://shrm.org/certification/apply/pages/applicationprocess.aspx.  Also, you can check the 

SHRM Certification exam eligibility requirements at http://shrm.org/certification/apply/eligibilitycriteria/pages/default.aspx 



Don’t Let Your SHRM Certification Lapse!

Are you one of the 43,587 SHRM Certified Credential Holders who need to recertify in 2021?  Be sure that you check your SHRM Certification status to ensure you know when your recertification cycle ends and/or your expiration date.  You can do this online by visiting https://www.shrm.org/certification/ > click on the “My Portal” button up on the top right of the screen > then click the “Login” box on the far left of the screen > Sign In (with your email address – the one you use for SHRM.org, etc. and your password) > on the “Home” screen, you should see something like the EXAMPLE below):



SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP Certification I Active (assuming it is still Active!)

Current Certification Cycle Date:  7/1/2018

Current Cycle End Date:  6/30/2021

Current Cycle Expiration Date:  9/1/2021

Certified Since:  2/2/2015

Remember, SHRM Made Some Changes to SHRM Recertification Effective 08-01-19 (yes, 2019 – remember 2019!?!?)


For those with their SHRM Certification, on 07-29-19 (via email) SHRM formally announced several enhancements to the SHRM Recertification process.  A brief recap:


Earn PDCs During the Grace Period – Effective 08-01-19, SHRM Certification holders who are working toward recertification can earn PDCs for activities they participate in through their grace period (the 60-day period between their certification end date and expiration date).


Immediately Begin Earning PDCs for the New Recertification Cycle When You Recertify Early – Effective 08-01-19, the new recertification cycle for SHRM Certification hold who recertify early will begin the NEXT DAY after they recertify.  Their end date will continue to be on the last day of their birth month.


Carryover a Maximum of 20 Credits to the Next Recertification Cycle – Effective 08-01-19, SHRM Certification holders who recertify with more than 60 PDCs in their account will be able to carry over up to 20 credits to their new cycle.

You can review the SHRM Recertification Handbook at https://shrm.org/certification/recertification/Documents/19-1279_2019RecertHandbook_FNL.pdf 


One More Way to Earn PDCs

Remember, your annual National SHRM Membership qualifies for three (3) PDCs per year (and SHRM automatically loads this in your SHRM Portal).

A Few More Ways to Earn SHRM Recertification PDCs

Check out the check out the SHRM Foundation Veterans at Work Certificate Program – it is FREE! 

Or Check out Employing Abilities @Work at https://employingabilities.org/ and register online at https://employingabilities.org/cert-program/ (it is FREE too!)

Or Accelerate your HR career with SHRM’s Competency Self-Assessment (if you are a SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP certified member, you will receive one (1) PDC per year for each calendar year you complete the Competency Self-Assessment (www.shrm.org/careers).  Bonus – you can use it to evaluate how best to target your professional development efforts toward the 60 PDCs required to maintain your SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP credential within your recertification cycle.

Or Read for Recertification Credit – beginning January 1, 2021, the program’s book quizzes will be replaced with a short-essay format for which SHRM-certified professionals can earn three PDCs per book.  If you prefer to take an existing quiz for the book(s) you have read, please do so before December 31, 2020.

The SHRM Books Read-for-Recertification Credit program is a great way to broaden knowledge and earn SHRM-CP/SCP professional development credits (PDCs) along the way. Learn more


UPDATED – REQUIREMENT CHANGE for PDC-Qualifying Work Projects

The COVID-19 crisis, during which HR professionals are tackling unprecedented challenges on short notice, has prompted SHRM to change the time frame requirement for work projects that qualify for professional development credits (PDCs) toward SHRM Recertification.  The revised requirement now focuses only on the number of hours dedicated to a PDC-qualifying work project in the “Advance Your Organization” category and eliminates the stipulation of a minimum duration for the project.