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Indiana SHRM News
Indiana SHRM News

Four Reasons Your Boss Should Send You to the HR Indiana Conference

You already know that HR Indiana is one the largest human resources conferences in the United States, with world-renowned keynote speakers, three full days of educational sessions and opportunities to network with professionals from across the country.

Your boss, though, needs a little more convincing. Especially before he or she okays the time and funds.

Share these five reasons, and you’re sure to get the stamp of approval.


1. Professional development is an important investment for employees and employers.

Professional development may seem like a heavy investment up front, but done well, it returns much more than it costs. Professional development leads to:

  • Greater efficiency. Professional development opportunities give employees a chance to learn from peers in their field and return with knowledge and ideas to improve processes within your organization.
  • Higher employee engagement. Investing in employees’ professional development demonstrates an organization’s long-term commitment to its staff. In turn, this can boost employee retention, contribute to leadership development and succession strategies, and even attract better, more driven candidates for the future.
  • Credibility for the entire organization. Just as investing in professional development demonstrates commitment to employees, it demonstrates commitment to high standards and ongoing education for the entire organization.

Remember, HR Indiana isn’t just for people with “HR” in their job title. The conference will feature information, education and networking opportunities for anyone with an interest in human resources or who manages people.


2. Stay up to date on best practices.

More than many professions, the HR field seems to change at the drop of a hat. Keeping up on best practices is not only challenging, it can be confusing. HR Indiana is a definitive and reliable resource for up-to-date information year after year. Throughout the conference, you will learn about new trends and clarify complicated legislation affecting HR.

In addition to improving efficiency and practices within your organization, this knowledge can be the difference between legal compliance and a legal headache.


3. Connect what you’ll learn to your organization’s needs.

Before bringing this opportunity to your boss, review the conference agenda, map out your own schedule, and connect what you’ll learn to specific needs at your organization. For example, if your organization has recently struggled to define or enforce social media guidelines for your employees, you might include “The Use of Social Media in Hiring, Firing, and Everything In Between” session in your personal conference agenda and share it with your supervisor.

By identifying exactly what you hope to learn and how it will help your organization, your boss will better understand the tangible benefits of your professional development.


4. Find the help you need.

Connect with and learn about HR solutions offered by more than 175 companies participating in the HR Indiana Conference Exhibit Hall. You’ll be able to compare pricing and even demo products and services that solve problems your organization deals with everyday. HR Indiana Conference exhibitors offer solutions and services to aid you in payroll, training, insurance, workforce management, legal and financial consulting, finding talent and hiring, and so much more.

You’ll be able to evaluate all these potential solutions at the same time, rather than researching each individually, saving yourself and your organization a significant amount of time.

Now combine everything above, and write your boss a detailed plan for how the conference will benefit you and your organization. Include what you plan to learn and how you’ll report on it when you return. If your organization doesn’t budget for continued learning already, provide cost estimates for travel, lodging, and meals. Make it easy for your supervisor to see the clear benefit of your attendance, and they’ll be much more likely to give the green light.


The HR Indiana Annual Conference is the place to learn about the latest trends and best practices in the HR field from world-renowned speakers, business leaders and your peers. Don’t miss it! Register today.