Budget constraints, location or schedule shouldn’t keep you from earning the 60 PDCs needed to maintain your SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP certification.
You’re in charge of your recertification journey. And SHRM’s here to support you.
SHRM adapted their recertification process to provide additional flexibility to match your learning needs.
Going forward, SHRM will no longer have a maximum limit on self-paced activities, in the ‘Advance Your Education’ category.
The info about the “no max” is in a PDF here https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/SHRM/5daba5d4-58eb-4d01-93e8-648c8ae262c4/UploadedImages/18_1100_2018_Recertification_Flyer.pdf
Recertification Counselors
???? +1.703.535.6360 | ✉ recertification@shrm.org