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Indiana SHRM News
Indiana SHRM News

Certification Update November 2019

Jennifer Lange, SHRM-CP Director of Certification

SHRM Recertification Provider Reaffirmation for 2020

As of October 3rd, the person assigned as your chapter’s SHRM Recertification Provider point of contact can complete the SHRM Recertification Provider Reaffirmation process for 2020 so your chapter can pre-approve and offer SHRM PDCs for programming in 2020, after attesting to adhere to program guidelines. Your chapter must complete affirmation by November 15th to avoid a lapse for 2020.

After successfully completing the reaffirmation, your chapter will also get your seal for 2020 collateral. Remember — you need to use approved language. The abbreviated version is “This program is valid for [XX] PDCs toward SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification.” 

Note: Failure to complete the reaffirmation on or before December 31, 2019 will result in you and your chapter not being able to access your SHRM Recertification Provider account to enter activities, and you and your chapter not be able approve programs for PDCs.

If you have SHRM Reaffirmation questions or concerns, please contact Jonnie Huynh via email or by phone at (703) 535-6286.

Discount Code for SHRM Membership Renewal

SHRM professional memberships can be renewed with a $20 discount using the code STATE20 through December 31, 2019.

Enhanced Chapter Support – SHRM Recertification

It’s back for 2019, but 2019 will be the LAST year! Help your local chapter and our HR Indiana State Council by recertifying your SHRM Certification in 2019. SHRM is offering enhanced financial support to those SHRM Chapters and State Councils in good standing based on the number of SHRM members who recertify between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019.

  • Chapters will receive $20 per chapter member who is a SHRM member in good standing, primarily coded to the chapter and is recertified for SHRM Certification during 2019.
  • State Councils will receive $10 per SHRM member in good standing (in-chapter and at-large) in the state who recertifies for SHRM Certification during 2019.

Payment will be made to affiliates in good standing in early 2020 based on the number of recertified members meeting the above criteria as of 12/31/19.

Learn more about SHRM Recertification.

SHRM Certification Winter Testing Window December 1, 2019 – February 15, 2020

SHRM Certification (SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP) winter exam applications will be accepted until October 18 (with an additional $75 late application fee for applications between October 19 and November 9) for the December 1, 2019 – February 15, 2020 testing window.

View the entire SHRM Certification application process. You can also check out the SHRM Certification exam eligibility requirements.

Reminder: Student Eligibility for SHRM-CP Certification

Students enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s HR degree program at an educational institution aligned to SHRM’s curriculum guidelines are eligible to apply for the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) exam.

Get more information.

SHRM Instructor’s Top 20 Test Tips

SHRM posted a two-part series with expert advice on preparing for and taking the SHRM certification exam. Please share this information with your study groups and those individuals you know who are preparing for their SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP exam!

New SHRM Certification Resource

Check out the new book, Ace Your SHRM Certification Exam! A guide to success on the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams from editor Nancy A. Woolever, MAIS, SHRM-SCP, SHRM Vice President of Certification Operations. The book is now available in the SHRMStore.

The book is a short, accessible guide to demystify the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP certification exams with expert tips for understanding, studying, practicing, and acing the tests. It covers everything you need to know about exam structure, best practices for studying, research-based tips to sharpen test-taking skills, proven strategies for managing test anxiety, and strategies from experts. The tips from test takers offer detailed learning and study resources, practice questions and answer keys for both exams, guides to terminology and acronyms, and much more!

This book is also approved for SHRM recertification credit. After reading the book, earn a passing quiz score and receive three (3) PDCs.

Now in Effect: Policy Changes to SHRM Recertification

SHRM formally announced via email several enhancements to the SHRM Recertification process for those with an existing SHRM Certification. A brief recap:

Earn PDCs During the Grace Period, effective August 1, 2019. SHRM Certification holders who are working toward recertification can earn PDCs for activities they participate in through their grace period (the 60-day period between their certification end date and expiration date).

Immediately begin earning PDCs for the new recertification cycle when you recertify early, effective August 1, 2019. The new recertification cycle for SHRM Certification holders who recertify early will begin the next day after they recertify. Their end date will continue to be on the last day of their birth month.

Carry over a maximum of 20 credits to the next recertification cycle, effective August 1, 2019. SHRM Certification holders who recertify with more than 60 PDCs in their account will be able to carry over up to 20 credits to their new cycle.

For more information, see SHRM’s announcement email from July 29.

SHRM Launched SHRM Recertification “Project Reinstate”

The SHRM team is calling people who took the Pathway to obtain their SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP who haven’t recertified yet, and they’re emailing those they can’t reach by phone. Additionally, SHRM will be sending out postcards at the end of September.

Please talk about SHRM Certification in your newsletters, social media, and meetings or conferences – perhaps you can serve as a reminder to those who haven’t recertified and obtained their SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP through the Pathway.

SHRM Certification/Recertification Reports from SHRM

You can request a report from our SHRM Membership Engagement Associate (MEA) at SHRM that includes certification designations, cycle begin date and initial certification date, and cycle end date and recertification date.

This data is a part of the Chapter Membership Roster, so your chapter president may already have a copy — it’s an Excel spreadsheet containing data for each SHRM National member primarily coded to your chapter. Each chapter should review the information to ensure your members recertify in a timely manner.