SHRM defines workforce readiness as ensuring that today’s and tomorrow’s workforce has the skills, competencies, and behaviors to succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s workplace. Also ensuring that today’s and tomorrow’s workplace maximizes the potential of today’s and tomorrow’s workforce. Focus areas include preparedness, up-skilling/re-skilling, retaining, accommodating, and transitioning. SHRM expects workforce readiness leaders to create awareness by serving as a one-stop repository for workforce readiness information for the HR and business community; create action by helping to identify volunteer opportunities at the national, state, and local level for members; and promote advocacy at both the federal and state level, participating in and influence policy discussions surrounding workforce readiness.
HR Indiana SHRM is committed to helping HR professionals and their employers successfully address workplace challenges and changes that result from the rapid economic, social, and technological advances that affect current and future members of the workforce. HR professionals can play a critical role in helping employers formulate hiring criteria, develop models, and evaluate pilot programs to ensure their effectiveness and adaptability in meeting current workforce needs and anticipate future workforce needs.
Workforce Readiness Resources:
- Future of Work
- Realizing the Value of Untapped Talent
- Military Community at Work
- Employing the Military Community
- Employing Abilities at Work
- Getting Talent Back To Work
- Aging Workforce
- Opportunity Youth at Work
- HR Jobs
- Indiana Department of Workforce Development
- Indiana Department of Workforce Development Employment Data
- WorkOne Career Readiness (Indy area specific)
- WIN Career Readiness System
- Indiana Economic Development
- Next Level Jobs
- Indiana Veterans Services
- INVets
- Employment Readiness Academy
- Indiana Institute for Workforce Excellence
- Indiana’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act State Plan 2022-2023 (2024 pending)
- Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Indiana
Meet our Workforce Readiness Director
Tiffani Ewing
If you have questions about workforce readiness, please contact Tiffani Ewing.