Employing Abilities at Work
Last month, SHRM launched Employing Abilities at Work, a new initiative and certification centered around hiring individuals with disabilities. It is reported that only a small percentage of workplaces have disability-specific inclusion initiatives. Yet, research shows that these initiatives strengthen the company culture and are proven to increase productivity all around. Please check out the new certificate and training on Employing Abilities at Work.
Returning to Work Safely
Although unemployment claims continue to rise, we are beginning to see a push to bring individuals back to work and we must do so, safely. SHRM offers many resources and templates for enhancement, along with new policies and procedures to consider on bringing the workforce back to your business.
We encourage you to keep constant communication with your staff, be as transparent as possible with new safety measures and processes, and even make time for individual one on one meetings. This will not be a “one size fits all” RTW, as there will be some who have coped well through this national emergency and some who have not. Some employees have no obstacles, but many will have individual needs and concerns in returning to work such as child care. There are more than 1,700 daycares across Indiana that have closed, which will certainly effect some individuals’ ability to RTW.
Supporting Your Employees
Lastly, our employees will need continued support, flexibility and trust from the HR department like never before. They will need more empathy and understanding and less micromanaging and discipline. We will need to be a resource of resources for our employees and their families. I encourage you to connect with your local United Way, Work One and other community resources to get the most up-to-date information available for your staff.